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Vrac Tech, the only show dedicated to all bulk management solutions for all industries, has organized some twenty conferences, led by top-quality speakers who are experts in their field!
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
-- Morning session: "New environmental challenges for bulk industrial goods
What solutions can be implemented with bulk manufacturers to save water and develop its reuse? How can we support decarbonization? How can we think about the recyclability of materials? Faced with these crucial challenges, it's essential to rethink our economic and production models, and act now.
« Sobriety of water resources in the economic sector by 2030: which path to take and how?»
Presentation of solutions implemented with manufacturers to save water and develop its reuse, and insight into the water agency's proposed actions to follow up on the "Water Plan" presented by the government last March.
Support for decarbonization.
Industry Decarbonization Engineer
Energy Transition Division
« Towards a more virtuous approach to the life cycle of composite material storage equipment »
Gaël Cheval, Managing Partner, ROUSSEAU SAS.
Stockage du Vrac (Bulk Storage): Feedback from the French manufacturer of silos and tanks, an industrial SME working to improve its environmental performance, from design to installation of its products.
-- Afternoon
« Atex and electrostatic risks »
The presentation will cover the following points:
-Description of the parameters required to generate an explosion, with the help of demonstrations.
-Electrostatic and explosion hazards:
-Appearance of a discharge
-Different types of electrostatic discharge
-ATEX (ATmosphèreEXplosive) standard" means of suppression
« Focus on new materials and the circular economy! »
The circular economy is now a global concern for all industries, including the construction and public works sector. The building industry alone ranks 2nd after transport, with 25% of total CO2 emissions, compared with 28% for transport. Energy consumption in the building sector accounts for 45.8% of total energy consumption, compared with 27.7% for industry and 23.9% for transport.
According to environmental experts, reducing the environmental impact of the natural raw materials making up concrete is a first step towards reducing the environmental impact of concrete. The aim is to find an alternative solution that does not compromise the properties required for its intended use, by integrating less impactful materials such as industrial by-products and secondary raw materials. This is the background to my research work at BUILDERS Engineering School (formerly ESITC Caen). It mainly concerns the study of the mechanical, physical and sustainable behavior of cementitious composites incorporating alternative materials to raw materials.
VALNET, an eco-responsible fiber-reinforced concrete;
-FRESH-ECOPAVERS, a paving stone that restores coolness to the ground in hot weather;
LIBAROT or LIant Bas cArbone pour l'infRastructure rOuTière: the development of draining and refreshing pavers based on shellfish co-products.
To find out more about the school's projects: https://builders-ingenieurs.fr
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
-- "Pest control: insects in stored products" seminar
Insects in stored products (IPS) represent a major problem with a significant impact for companies managing bulk products, in terms of health and finance, but also in terms of image... In partnership with Hamelin.info
"Pest control" in partnership with Hamelin.info, the leading digital media for pest control.

"Analysis and presentation of pest control solutions for industrial bulk with Benoit Cottin and Gilles Marcadé, entomologists and specialists in pest control, training and pestcontrol audits for the food industry.
- 10:00 Biology and ecology of the main IPS (Insects of Stored Products). The aim is to give the keys to recognizing the main IPS and to see what solutions can be implemented.
- 10:30 am Presentations by Izipest, Abiotech and FrigorTec
- 10:45 Demonstration of some insects - Questions
- 11:00 Connected traps in rodent control. Deratting 2.0. Connected traps are a relatively recent development in rodent control. Despite their relatively recent introduction, a number of devices are available. Come and find out which connected traps are right for you!
- 11:30 Presentation of solutions - Examples of connected traps Ratdown, Armosa, Biocinov, Rentokil
- 11:45 a.m. Questions
Questions Réponses avec la salle
-- Afternoon
« Preserving grain in these times: playing the cooling control card »
At a time of climate change and limited use of insecticides, all grain storage organizations are faced with new ways of managing grain preservation and, ultimately, grain quality.
Preserving grain requires mastery of a series of complementary stages.
Grain cooling is at the heart of these steps. What do we know about grain cooling? What are the challenges? Where are the critical points? That's what we'll be exploring in this conference.
"PORTS DE LILLE: optimizing logistics for the circular economy
"How to reduce MSDs to promote well-being in the workplace".
Musculoskeletal disorders are now the leading occupational disease in France, and affect all companies. How can they be reduced? How can we create a better working environment? How can we adapt our organization?
To answer these questions, there's just one contact: the Occupational Health and Prevention Service!
Indeed, SPSTI's priority missions are to advise and support companies in primary prevention, in order to avoid any deterioration in the health of their employees.
Based on a concrete example from industry, Pôle Santé Travail experts will present how they support companies, including those dealing with bulk industrial materials, step by step, from the first detection in the field to the joint development of a prevention plan.
Thursday, November 30, 2023
-- "Industrial Bulk: Safety of People and Machines" morning session
How to ensure the safety of personnel and production equipment in ATEX zones? How can we eliminate conveyor-related risks and implement an HSE management system? To answer these questions, expert reports and feedback are on the agenda for the morning of Thursday November 30, focusing on the safety of people and machines. In partnership with Le journal du vrac.
"Thème Sécurité" morning event organized in partnership with Le Journal Du Vrac
- Proper characterization of products and substances for effective ATEX risk assessment" Mickael Stouvenel, Ineris Expert
A useful ATEX risk assessment must not underestimate the risk in order to ensure sufficient protection for workers, but neither must it overestimate it in order to avoid trivialization of the risk and avoid unnecessary expenditure. Following the presentation of a concrete accident case study, Ineris suggests ways in which this accident could have been avoided. In particular, several process diagrams will be presented, each explaining the specific characteristics to be checked on the product in order to assess the ATEX risk, and the safety barriers to be implemented.
-Process risk assessment
-Experimental product characterization of substances
-Safety barriers
- Safety of Bulk Conveyors
Richard Cleveland, Technical and Environmental Manager
Are you a manufacturer, integrator or user? This subject is bound to be of interest to you, especially as the news is constantly changing! Conveyors are used in a wide variety of machines and machine assemblies, for a wide range of uses and markets. All conveyor designers and manufacturers, as well as integrators of all kinds, must comply with design rules relating to machine safety in order to attest to compliance with European regulations. For several decades now, legislation in Europe has incorporated a fundamental principle of integrating safety into design, which distinguishes European products from those manufactured in other geographical areas. At the same time, European safety standards and the associated CE mark are recognized in many countries outside Europe. At a time when standards are being adapted to the new European legislation published this summer, and standardization work is becoming increasingly international, particularly in the conveyor sector, the time has come to bring together the large bulk conveyor community to prepare the future EN 620 standard. Manufacturers, integrators and users:
-What are your responsibilities?
-What's new and what are the consequences?
-A group of French experts is taking responsibility at international and European level for future conveyor safety requirements. Would you like to find out more or join them?
- "How can MASE help you reduce accidents?"
Maxime Lommé, regional delegate at MASE Hauts-de-France
Presentation of the MASE (Manuel d'Amélioration Sécurité des Entreprises), the only HSE certification that measures the results of its members by comparing them with industry rates. On average, each year we observe a reduction in accidents by a factor of 2 to 3 for our members, compared with the national average. Whether in terms of frequency or severity. If we translate these rates into the number of accidents, by 2021 companies will have avoided more than 4,000 lost-time accidents. If we look at our members' accident rates over time, we can see that the more mature the approach, the fewer accidents our companies have. But beware: MASE is a process that takes time, and we need to work on our people, their culture and their organization. MASE is not a 100-meter sprint, it's a marathon: "slowly but surely"!
Program in progress